Looking for directions to Green Point Cottage? Green Point Cottage is located at 266B Green Point Lane, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.
For directions from Toronto:
The drive from Toronto to Green Point Cottage is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. Take ON-401 East to ON-49 South in Tyendinaga. Take exit 566 from ON-401 East. Continue on ON-49 South. Drive to Green Point Lane in Prince Edward County.
For directions from Montreal:
The drive from Montreal to Green Point Cottage is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. Get on Autoroute 720 West in Le Sud-Ouest. Follow Autoroute du Souvenir/Autoroute 20 West and ON-401 West to ON-49 South in Tyendinaga. Take exit 566from ON-401 West. Continue on ON-49 South. Drive to Green Point Lane in Prince Edward County.
For directions from New York City:
The drive from New York City to Green Point Cottage takes approximately 7 hours. Take Church St and I-78 West to NJ-139 West in Jersey City. Take I-80 West, I-380 North, I-81 North and ON-401 West to ON-49 South in Tyendinaga, Canada. Take exit 566 from ON-401 West. Continue on ON-49 South. Drive to Green Point Lane in Prince Edward County.
Road Conditions: https://twitter.com/QuinteTraffic
County Happenings: http://prince-edward-county.com